Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I don't have to sign up for American Idol quite yet

Bea (our foster) has found a permanent home. We deliver her on Saturday. I didn't fail.

Which is good, because my termination at Old Job became official today. So quitting New Job is now officially Not An Option.

My preparatory shopping list has grown to bizarre and ridiculous proportions. When you know you are about to start making less money, do you start saving IMMEDIATELY? Or do you rush right out and buy every thing you think you will need for the foreseeable future while you still have the cash?

I think we all know the answer.

I have two days off from work. I should be cleaning out my closet (getting rid of all them fancy pants), fixing the door locks on my car, reading books on dog breeds. It's possible I'll do all those things; it's also possible I will burn holes in my wallet. Let's hope I make it through this week fiscally solvent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your new job tomorrow!