Thursday, February 22, 2007

yeah, i didn't quite expect this

So I'm not adjusting as quickly as I thought to my sort-of-altered work schedule. By sort-of-altered I mean "I'm never home anymore."

There's traffic. And I never leave work when I think I'm going to. There are things to do. I leave home at 9. I get home at 8. I'll adjust.

The blogging will suffer.

I'm sneaking in a blog entry now, I probably shouldn't be, I have lots of things to be doing, but I'm working very diligently and I'm processing applications and I'm talking on the phone and I'm doing just what your average person does on a day at work.

And there's a Basset Hound sitting on my foot.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I'm never home anymore..."
Welcome to the club. At least you enjoy what you're doing, though. I'm so happy you made the job change!