Monday, February 05, 2007

Two Things

First, Mr. Important YuppieMan on the Metro, men should not carry purses. If they chose to carry bags, they should be of the structured and manly macho variety, not the crocheted slouchy variety.

If men such as yourself choose to cary slouchy feminine manbags, they should not compensate for their choices by manfully plopping said bag directly in the middle of the floor on a crowded metro train in the middle of morning rush hour in an attempt to prove their masculine right to space. Because if you do, you lose all right to surprise when I kick aside your masculine manful gesture in my feminine womanly attempt to get off the train at my stop.

And the second thing: I possibly have failed at my new job before I even start. Some lovely nice people came to meet our foster cat this weekend, and were approved for adoption, and in my overeager attempt to give them a thorough picture of the good and bad characteristics of this particular cat, I may have terrified them and made them question their choice to even adopt an animal at all, ever. So, yeah. That's confidence-building.

If Eleanor still reads my blog, she is going to be very dissapointed in me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's up with these dudes carrying crocheted purses? I saw one today, who by the way, I couldn't tell if it was a dude or not.

You're not good at your job?! I'm the one who was threatened by her 16 year old punk student yesterday!! Not a high moment in my teaching history.